Monday, August 1, 2011

Decaffeinated coffee is kind of like kissing your sister. ~Bob Irwin

I love how only 3 cups of coffee in the morning is me severely cutting back my caffeine intake but if A drank that she wouldn't sleep tonight! Anyway....prepare for the bitchiness.....I'm (yet again) weening myself off of caffeine! Although it has been quite some time since I've tried this, maybe not since early 2010? Well, I need to so this week I'll be reducing my coffee as the days go on and replacing some with green tea and then limiting that as well until next Monday when I will have zero caffeine for the rest of August. If I need it after that I'll limit it.

Funny TweetOTD - @JimGaffigan (whose wife just gave birth to 4th kid a few weeks ago):
"Last night I explained to my 5 year old son that the dark is not nearly as scary as your wife bringing home a pregnancy test"

Sleep 945-530 (7.75)

Breakfast 615am
Bacon(nf) and eggs (4 eggs*, mushrooms*, coconut oil*, Tabasco, salt, pepper), cup of coffee

845am - cup of coffee

1100am - cup of Tazo Passion Herbal infusion tea (decaf).

Lunch 1200pm
Sausage stuffed zucchini from last night plus salad (lettuce(fm), tomato(fm), carrots*, and olive oil), last cup of coffee for day (the headaches should start up around 3!)

200pm - coconut water

330pm - cup of Tazo Passion Herbal infusion tea (decaf).

430pm - macadamia nuts and the remainder of my salad from lunch (not much left)

WOD - 630pm
Hell x 3
As prescribed:
3 rounds for time of
Run 400m
30 box jumps
25 Knees to elbows
20 deadlifts (205#)

I did the Reddog Lite version to ease into it:
3 rounds
Run 400m
15 box jumps
10 knees to armpits!
10 deadlifts 135#

Dinner - 800pm
2 chicken tenders and 2 thighs along with some kale (cooked a few in oven with a tbsp of olive oil on it)

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